Friday, August 8, 2008

Nutrition From Fishes

Seafood has been one of human's major food sources throughout history.

Rich in nutrition - low in fat, containing rich vitamins and minerals. Low in carbohydrates, it is rich in protein, and its lipid content is also lower than that of land animals.

Has thicker and shorter muscle fibers with less connective tissue and is therefore very easily digestible and absorbed. 

In addition to abundant protein, contains well balanced essential amino acids.
Rich in iysine and methionine, the two essential amino acids that plants lack
The lipids are very different from that of land animals as they contain abundant unsaturated fatty acids, especially the EPA (Eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (Docosahexaenoic acid)

The soluble vitamins contained in seafood are very close to that of land animals and is high in Vitamin B. It also has a higher ratio of fat-soluble vitamins.

The content of other micro-mineral substances in seafood is very close to other kinds of meat and is much higher than that of plants.

All seafood are very rich in iodine and fluorine.

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